e-Learning Partners
 At Human Capital Associates, we help businesses realize human potential to achieve the highest level of performance. From creating turnkey businesses integration processes to leadership development, HCA is the leader.
 Air Academy Associates is a leading-edge, Six Sigma quality management consulting firm which provides innovative consulting and training services, public workshops, statistical publications, training aids, and software to a variety of clients throughout the United States and abroad. Air Academy was first established in Colorado Springs in 1990 by Stephen R. Schmidt, Mark J. Kiemele, and Ronald J. Berdine. Since its creation, the company has gone on to become a leader in Six Sigma training focusing on the areas of Knowledge Based Management, Statistical Process Control, Design of Experiments, and Advanced Statistical Tools for industry.
 Create-It! Inc. helps organizations leverage innovation and emerging new technologies that assist in streamlining and growing profitable new business. Founded in 1993 by Jordan Ayan, an accomplished corporate executive, speaker, entrepreneur, and author, Create-It! Inc. provides an unmatched level of results.
 Performance Research Associates, Inc. founded in 1972 consults with large and medium sized corporations and non-profits on service quality, customer loyalty and creating a customer-driven culture. The firm currently has offices in Minneapolis, MN, Dallas, TX, Orlando, FL, and Ann Arbor, MI. In addition to the company's consulting work, the firm's principals are heavily involved in writing, publishing, conducting seminars and public speaking. Several of the principals make in excess of 100 paid presentations a year to business groups around the globe. As a group, the PRA team has written more than 40 business books and several thousand articles. They have developed a dozen commercially successful, proprietary seminars, thirteen commercially available training films and several proprietary organizational assessment instruments. The work of PRA partners literally touches hundreds of thousands of people a year in Corporate America and throughout the world.
 For over 20 years, GlobalLearningSystems has been a leading creator and provider of organizational learning-both prepackaged and custom-that can be easily delivered over CD-ROM, the Internet, handheld computers or in classrooms worldwide. An innovator in media-rich interactive training, GLS has established numerous long-term relationships with Fortune 500 corporations through the development of customized six sigma e-learning solutions to address their global business needs.