lean6sigma leadership series

Six Sigma Concepts broadens the framework of Six Sigma beyond typical mathematical and statistical methods and focuses on breakthrough improvement to beat the competition.

Knowledge Center for
Six Sigma Concepts: Implementing Six Sigma

Six Sigma Concepts provides proven methods and tools to enable your organization to positively impact the customer, improve internal capability and financial results, and create a mindset of improvement everywhere. Check out the following


International Society of Six Sigma Professionals
American Production and Inventory Control Society
American Society for Quality


Basic Statistics: Tools for Continuous Improvement Knowledge Based Management (KBM) by Dr. Mark Kiemele
Applied Modeling and Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Development and Operation Network Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis by Dr. Mark Kiemele (AT&T Bell Labs book)
Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments by Stephen R. Schmidt, Robert G. Launsby (text edited by Dr. Kiemele)

Consulting Organizations

Human Capital Associates - eLearning, consulting, custom training
Air Academy Associates - 6 Sigma training and consulting

FAQs for Six Sigma Concepts

Q: In the Northeast analogy, do we always move North first and then East?
Q: Aren't there some processes where we want to purposely increase variation?
Q: I have used some of these tools before, like the Cause and Effect diagram. I don't see how they are going to help me any more today than they did before. Is there something I am not seeing?
Q: Are there other tools in the Six Sigma repository of tools that we have not seen in this course?
Q: Do we have to formalize a Six Sigma or Lean Sigma project in order to use these tools properly?
Q: How do the IPO and PF/CE/CNX/SOP diagrams work together?
Q: In the Cost of Poor Quality "funnel slide" that relates COPQ as a percent of Revenue to the Sigma rating, it is hard for me to believe that there can be as much as 30% COPQ associated with companies whose processes are typically rated at 3 Sigma capable. On what data is this slide based?
Q: In the course, we looked at the normal distribution quite a bit. Arenít there other distributions that are important?
Q: On the chart having the percent areas under the normal curve between a specified number of standard deviations, it shows that between +/- 6 sigmas, there is 99.9999998% of the area under the curve, leaving proportionally only .000000002 outside the +/- 6 sigma area. This means there would be only 2 defects per billion for a 6 sigma capable process. Yet, other charts show that 6 sigma equates to 3.4 defects per million. What is going on here?
Q: How can I learn more about the Six Sigma tools and methodology?

eLearning Leadership Series: Compelling Strategic Change

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