Six Sigma Concepts broadens the framework of Six Sigma beyond typical mathematical and statistical methods and focuses on breakthrough improvement to beat the competition. |
Knowledge Center for Six Sigma Concepts: Implementing Six Sigma
Six Sigma Concepts provides proven methods and tools to enable your organization to positively impact the customer, improve internal capability and financial results, and create a mindset of improvement everywhere. Check out the following
International Society of Six Sigma Professionals
American Production and Inventory Control Society
American Society for Quality
Basic Statistics: Tools for Continuous Improvement Knowledge Based Management (KBM) by Dr. Mark Kiemele
Applied Modeling and Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Development and Operation Network Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis by Dr. Mark Kiemele (AT&T Bell Labs book)
Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments by Stephen R. Schmidt, Robert G. Launsby (text edited by Dr. Kiemele)
Consulting Organizations
Human Capital Associates - eLearning, consulting, custom training
Air Academy Associates - 6 Sigma training and consulting
FAQs for Six Sigma Concepts
Q: In the Northeast analogy, do we always move North first and then East?
Q: Aren't there some processes where we want to purposely increase variation?
Q: I have used some of these tools before, like the Cause and Effect diagram. I don't see how they are going to help me any more today than they did before. Is there something I am not seeing?
Q: Are there other tools in the Six Sigma repository of tools that we have not seen in this course?
Q: Do we have to formalize a Six Sigma or Lean Sigma project in order to use these tools properly?
Q: How do the IPO and PF/CE/CNX/SOP diagrams work together?
Q: In the Cost of Poor Quality "funnel slide" that relates COPQ as a percent of Revenue to the Sigma rating, it is hard for me to believe that there can be as much as 30% COPQ associated with companies whose processes are typically rated at 3 Sigma capable. On what data is this slide based?
Q: In the course, we looked at the normal distribution quite a bit. Arenít there other distributions that are important?
Q: On the chart having the percent areas under the normal curve between a specified number of standard deviations, it shows that between +/- 6 sigmas, there is 99.9999998% of the area under the curve, leaving proportionally only .000000002 outside the +/- 6 sigma area. This means there would be only 2 defects per billion for a 6 sigma capable process. Yet, other charts show that 6 sigma equates to 3.4 defects per million. What is going on here?
Q: How can I learn more about the Six Sigma tools and methodology?
eLearning Leadership Series: Compelling Strategic Change